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T’Nora & Josh


T’Nora & Josh

Hey Friends and Family! We are T’Nora and Joshua Davis, lovers and followers of Christ, seekers of knowledge, and most importantly Newlyweds. We have relocated to Northern Virginia where we have decided to make our new life together. We spent our days working on our businesses, managing our church departments, doing home projects, writing posts, and figuring out how to sustain a happy Christ-like marriage. Our love for each other started way back in Fall 2009 when we met in Norfolk, VA at Old Dominion University. Fast forward five years and we are now happily married with our pup-son Louie.

Sharing our lives with you is something we decided to do after many conversations and careful consideration. We realized that we receive so many questions about our relationship – how do we manage living and working together?, how do we keep hold of our faith and encourage each other to grow stronger in faith?, how do we manage our relationship as newlyweds? etc. We decided that we should not just share this information with those at work, church, or whom we have known for a long time, but with anyone who is willing to listen. Individually we also both enjoy sharing the tricks of our trade and sharing information related to technology, marketing and business (we also do consulting!)  All in All we are happy to share our lives with you! Welcome to the Davis clan!



T’Nora and Josh

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